Scanner Cop (1994)
After the disappointing
Scanners III
I've got to admit I wasn't holding out much hope for the rest of the
series. I assumed it was going to be all downhill. However
Scanner Cop
is one of those few sequels that is actually a huge improvement on the
previous entries. I might even go so far to say that it is a better (if
admittedly trashier) film than Cronenberg's original. Certainly of all
Scanners films this one has
the strongest plot and the best protagonist. I think it was a genius
idea by Pierre David, the producer of the series who also wrote and
ed this film,
to make it a mash-up of cop thriller and sci-fi horror. Those are two
film genres I absolutely love and to have them together in one film is
Scanner Cop
stars Daniel Quinn as Sam Staziak, a young 20-something rookie police
officer who has kept his scanning abilities secret all his life. In a
brief prologue, we learn that his father was a scanner too who stopped
taking the Ephemerol drug and slowly went crazy; eventually committing
suicide. When a group of LA cops start getting killed in bizarre and
mysterious circumstances Sam believes that the culprit may also be a scanner.
He reveals his abilities to his colleagues and superiors and they
begrudgingly assign him the case. However, in order to use his psychic
powers he has to stop taking Empherol. Will he be able to catch the
criminal mastermind in time? Or will he go
insane like his father?
Like I said, what I love about this film
is the way it bolts all the usual Scanner elements (exploding heads,
mind reading etc) on to a detective story. Obviously this isn't the
first time this has been done. There was a brief subplot in
Scanners II where David Hewlett's character aids the police in
capturing a serial poisoner that covered similar ground. However
Scanner Cop
really expands on the idea and finds fresh ground to cover. I love how
the cliche of there being a time limit for the cop to catch the killer
is flipped on its head. Here the time limit is that Sam has to catch the
killer before he, himself, goes crazy. They also try some interesting
new ideas that have been seen before. For instance, there's a really
weird sequence in which Sam scans
a person's mind as they are dying which transports him into some
subconscious world that reminded me a lot of Tarsem's
The Cell.

acting isn't anything to write home about but it's all pretty solid. I
quite liked Daniel Quinn as Sam. He isn't your traditionally handsome
leading man but he's got a certain geeky charisma and his character
really grows on you. There's also some good recognisable character
actors in the supporting roles like Mark Rolston (Drake from
Aliens) and Richard Grove (Henry the Red from
Army of Darkness).
The best performance is easily comes from Richard Lynch who is
absolutely fantastic as the villain Karl Glock. The combination of his
scarred face (which I never realised until recently was the result of
him setting himself on fire while on drugs as a young man!) and scratchy
voice makes him one of the most perfect movie bad guys.

special effects used in the film (though occasionally cheap looking) are
consistently innovative. They were done by John Carl Buechler who did a
lot of effects work for 80s horror and sci-fi films. He also directed
Friday the 13th VIII: The New Blood.
The best sequence is definitely the opening scene in which Sam's father
is going crazy and thinks that tiny little
heads are popping out of his face. It's really well realised practical
effect. The final battle is also quite well done and the filmmakers come
up with a clever twist as why Sam can't just make Glock's head explode.
Overall, Scanner Cop is a great little b-movie. It's got an engaging plot, decent performances and crazy violence. What more could a b-movie fan possibly want?
Scanner Cop II: Volkin’s Revenge
Weirdly, this film is titled Scanners IV: The Showdown
in some countries. I don't know why they did that because actually -
for the first time in the series - this is a direct sequel to the
previous entry. I've got to say I'm glad they went this route because
there was definitely some more mileage to be had in watching Daniel
Quinn solve more cases (and pull increasingly silly looking faces). The
film has a slightly different feel from the previous one and I think
that's because Pierre David went back to just producing and let Mark
Sevi and Steve Barnett write and direct it.

film picks up the story of Sam Staziak a few years later, having now
been made a detective - he's also sporting some seriously non-police
regulation long hair, but whatever. Sam is now fully in control of his
psychic powers and regularly uses them to help solve cases. Life is good
until evil scanner Karl Volkin (Patrick Kilpatrick) manages to break
out of prison and sets out to kill Staziak for putting him away in the
first place. In an interesting twist Volkin has learnt a new scanner
trick whereby he can "suck" the life force out of weaker scanners, like a
vampire, in order to get more powerful. Will Sam find him and take him down in time? Or will Volkin be too powerful?
Scanner Cop II
is a decent sequel that I'd say is only a notch below the previous
entry. It's a very fast-paced script. Instead of the villain being a
mystery, like the previous film, we see Volkin from the very beginning which creates a different dynamic.
My only criticism is that a lot of interesting elements from previous
entries have been dropped. For instance, Sam no longer has to worry
about whether or not to take Emphemerol anymore. He's now on a new
prototype drug that means he can whip out his powers anytime with no
drawbacks. The filmmakers also take him out of uniform and turn him into
a generic 90s leather jacket-wearing maverick cop. Although it's the
same actor and the same character name, Sam doesn't feel like the same
guy we met in the last film.

The whole idea of Volkin sucking the life force out of scanners is cool concept though. It kind of reminded me a little of the
movies where immortals get more powerful after killing other immortals.
The film also has a very cool sequence early on in which Sam makes to
single-handedly solves a hostage situation by scanning all the
terrorists minds and making them think he isn't in the room with them.
It made me think that if the
Scanner Cop movies
weren't so gory they would make a pretty cool TV show. The effects are
still very good though maybe a little less gory than previous films.
They go a bit more down the telekinesis angle in this film with Volkin,
at one point, controlling a forklift truck with his mind, using it to try and kill Staziak.

Like previous entries the best performance comes from the main bad guy
Patrick Kilpatrick (what a great name!) whose hulking figure and creepy
looking face do most of the heavy lifting. Quinn is decent again. Like I said
they changed up his character to make him hipper which was a shame. Most
of the supporting cast is pretty weak. Robert Forster plays the police
captain this time. This was a few years before his
Jackie Brown
comeback. He mostly sleepwalks through his lines. There's an
hilariously bad bit where he explains Sam's new powers to a random
police officer. It was a poorly written bit of exposition to start with
but Forster makes it twice as bad with his delivery. I mean just look at this screenshot!
All in all,
Scanner Cop II is a pleasing little b-movie. If you liked the first
Scanner Cop there's no reason you shouldn't track this down.
For some alternative (but no less positive) reviews check out:
Mitch at Video Vacuum's review of Scanner Cop
Ty and Brett at Comeuppance Reviews review of Scanner Cop II
Richard Lynch always did such a great job playing villains, I loved him Bad Dreams as the evil religious leader of the cult known as UNITY, creepy in deed!
ReplyDeleteI saw Scanner Cop eons ago! Can't remember much, but I do remember the scene with the little heads popping out of the dudes forehead! And I remember he was a cop that had to take the pills in order to keep his scanner condition under control.
Never saw that second one though, i wouldnt mind checking it out, it seems to have some cool concepts in it. Thanks for these reviews man, I love the concept behind the scanner films.
A collaboration is coming to mind...please e-mail! <----that was a telepathic message. Ha, ha, ha..
ReplyDeleteYeah Richard Lynch is awesome. Will have to check out Bad Dreams. Have you seen him in The Seven-Ups? That's a great film, I'll have to review that soon,
ReplyDeleteScanner Cop II is definitely worth checking out if you get the chance. I'm surprised a studio like Platinum Dunes hasn't tried to remake the series.
Definitely up for collaboration. What's your email? Mine is jackthursbyedit (a) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk
Nice site! You seem to share my love of delving deep into franchises with DTV sequels that most people avoid. When they're good, I love how they distort and play with whatever mythology the original film or films set up. They aren't usually great, but I totally agree that the Scanners sequels, specifically these Scanner Cop movies, are totally worth watching, especially for genre fans. I reviewed them last year and really enjoyed the whole series.
ReplyDeleteI love Beuchler's FX work and these have some really great moments, like those faces coming out of the dude's face in Scanner Cop! The sequel is a definite step down, but it's still fun.
Will @ Silver Emulsion
Cheers for stopping by Will. Just stumbled on Silver Emulsion yesterday. Love your site. I'm working my way through reading all your Full Moon Features reviews. I'm collecting a lot of Charles Band's films at the moment. Very useful to be able to see what you think of them first.
DeleteYeah, I really enjoy looking at movie franchises as a whole. Seeing their ups and downs. I find DTV sequels quite fun because often the filmmakers have to think creatively how make their films look and feel like the big budget original.
Buechler's work is top notch here. I'm going to have to check him out on imdb and see what other stuff he's done.
Cool, thanks! I'm glad the reviews are of some use to you. There are so many Charles Band movies. I had no idea when I started my review series that it'd take so long. I'm about 3 years in at this point, with at least another year still to go. Good thing I enjoy them for the most part!
DeleteJust so you know, the earlier reviews I did that don't have two ratings (reg & B-Movie) are a little harsher in terms of the star ratings than I am now.
DTV sequels and many low-budget films in general are definitely fun because of that ingenuity and trying to work with the budget they have. A big reason why I enjoy the low-budget films more than blockbusters.
Beuchler did a lot of work with Charles Band during the Empire years, those are definitely worth watching.
Thanks for the link Jack! Scanner Cop was a great surprise. I'll have to track down 2. I heard David S. Goyer was attached to remake Scanners some time ago, but I haven't heard anything about it recently.
ReplyDeleteI think you'll like SC2 if you liked the first one. You'll probably find it in the US under the title Scanners: The Showdown. That's what my DVD version is called.
ReplyDeleteI actually wouldn't mind too much if they did remake Scanners. It's not a stone cold classic. I think a good screenwriter and director could probably top what Cronenberg did. Of course, you'd need an actor who could top Michael Ironside's performance... which wouldn't be an easy thing.
ReplyDeleteGot to this a little late, and wanted to pass along my regards. Nice work! I haven't seen half of the SCANNERS oeuvre (specifically the SCANNER COP side of things) and now feel inspired to take it on. Viva Ironside, and keep on scannin'!
Hey Sean, well worth check out the Scanner Cops. They are both highly entertaining b-movies