Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)
that John Carpenter is one of my favourite filmmakers, the prospect of
watching a remake of one of his movies should fill me with a mixture of
dread and disgust. We've all heard the 'horror stories' of directors
Rupert Wainwright (The Fog, 2005) and Matthijs van Heijningen jr (
The Thing, 2011) trying (and failing) to update Carpenter's movies with inappropriate cast teen stars and needless CGI. But the thing with
Halloween is that, arguably, it's been remade countless times already. I mean when you think about it, all the
Halloween films (bar number 3)
were all pretty much the same basic story. On Halloween night, in a
suburban neighbourhood, indestructible killer Michael Myers murders a
bunch of people with a large kitchen knife. So the prospect of watching a
fresh take on
this particular movie made me more... curious than angry.

plot is basically split into two separate parts. In the first part we
see Myers as a 10 year old child (played by Daeg Faerch). His parents
are dirt poor and he's constantly bullied at school. One day he finally
snaps and kills not only the lead bully but also his abusive step
father, his sister and her boyfriend. Myers ends up going into an asylum where a psychologist Dr
Loomis (Malcolm McDowell) attempts to rehabilitate him. Myers spends his
time making masks and though he
initially shows signs of co-operation he ends up killing one of the
nurses, which leads to his mother (Sheri Moon Zombie) to commit
suicide. The second part of the film is set fifteen years later. Loomis
has long since left and Myers has grown into a huge hulking man (played
by Tyler Mane) and hasn't spoken a word to anyone for years. He manages
to escape the asylum and heads back to his home town of Haddonfield. He
kills several people and ends up fixating on a seemingly innocent
teenager, Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor-Compton), and her friends.
A lot of people hated
Rob Zombie's Halloween when it was released but I actually quite liked it. The film, like
DePalma's Scarface and
Carpenter's The Thing before it, did what every good remake
should do; it took the basic elements and gave them an entirely different spin. Whereas Carpenter's
Halloween feels like a ghost story you tell around the camp fire, Zombie's
feels like something you'd read about in the newspaper. Everything
feels realistic and grounded (except maybe the part about Myers growing
up to be a 7ft tall man mountain). I particularly enjoyed the first part
which examined, in detail, the aftermath of Myers murders as a child.
It was riveting to see Loomis' psychology sessions with him. I sat there
kind of wishing Myers would get cured! It's a dangerous thing to do in
films; to examine the villain's back story (just look at the horrible
job George Lucas did explaining why Anakin became Darth Vader) but I
thought Zombie did a decent job that didn't shy away from difficult

The key element that held it all together was
undoubtedly Daeg Faerch who, particularly considering his age, does a
really compelling performance as the young Myers. And he's ably
supported by Malcolm McDowell's reinterpretation of Dr Loomis. Donald
Pleasance's portrayal in the original is so iconic, again, I'm glad
Zombie steered away from trying to repeat the exact same character.
McDowell plays him, initially, as a cocky, upbeat, slightly quirky
psychologist before shifting in the latter half to a weary, broken,
desperate man. I also enjoyed Scout Taylor-Compton's updated Laurie
Strode who rather than a demure everygirl is now a slightly goth-y
outcast. The only problem is that with the film being broken into two
halves it feels odd to suddenly have Laurie introduced as our
protagonist halfway through.
In fact, if I had to point out a
problem it's that, while
the first half is great, the second half is nothing more than a
truncated, 'Platinum Dunes'-esque remake of the original. But, then
again, I guess Zombie had to fit the original film's storyline
at some point
otherwise it wouldn't be a remake. In the actual murder scenes Zombie
goes for viciousness and brutality rather than creepiness and tension.
Again, he's trying something new here with the character of Myers, and
that's to be applauded, but for me it didn't really work. It made the
film shocking but not very scary, which isn't a good thing for a horror
film. In fact, I'd almost go as far as saying that
Rob Zombie's Halloween can (or should) be viewed as more of a thriller than a traditional slasher/horror.

got to admit I first saw the film in it's leaked 'workprint' form (that
was floating around youtube a while back). I actually prefer this
version to the theatrical cut for a few reasons. Firstly, there's a
brilliant opening credits sequence with the young Myers running in slow
motion through the school hallways while the classic theme tune plays in
the background. And secondly there's a very bold alternate ending where actually Myers goes down in a hail of gunfire from the
police. Again, this was a brilliant change from the original Carpenter
film where the suggestion was that Myers
was some
indestructible boogeyman. Here he's a violent killer but ultimately just
as mortal as everyone else. I liked this change. It felt like Zombie
was sticking two fingers up at the greedy producers who clearly hoping
he'd deliver some safe, sequel-ready movie.
Ultimately, I think
Rob Zombie's Halloween
isn't a better film than Carpenter's. It's just
different. I think a lot of people thought that because Carpenter's
film defined the 'slasher' craze of the 80s, Zombie's film should be
important. To justify its existence it should do nothing less than
redefine the horror genre again. But let's face it, it was never going
to do that.
Zombie's Halloween is a good film, with some great ideas and great acting, let's just leave it at that.
Rob Zombie's Halloween II (2009)
think it's important to note that Zombie never planned to make a
sequel. It's very apparent in the original workprint that the film was
meant to end with Myers being definitely dead but, of course, the
producers wanted some sequels so he changed the theatrical cut's ending
to be more ambiguous. Despite this compromise
Zombie's Halloween II
doesn't feel like too much of a shameless cash-in. Again, the film
characterised by a ballsy script that seems to revel in messing with
the established characters and atmosphere of both the earlier films and, strangely, its own predecessor. Once, again
it's a film of two halves with the first half dealing with the aftermath
of the Myers rampage.

film picks up directly on from the previous film with Laurie having a
nervous breakdown after she thinks she's shot Michael Myers in the
face. The ambulance drives away with his body but he manages to escape
and disappear into the night. After a quick fake-out dream sequence set
in a hospital (a nod to the original
Halloween II)
we fast forward to two year later. Laurie is still suffering badly from post
traumatic stress disorder and lives a dysfunctional life with her
adopted father Sheriff Brackett (Brad Dourif) and his daughter Annie.
Meanwhile, Loomis has written a tell-all memoir and effectively sold out
to become a celebrity. Before long Myers returns to Haddonfield,
killing his everyone in his way to get to Laurie who it turns out is his long lost sister.
Zombie's Halloween II is a bit
of difficult film to like but there's still a lot that I admired about
it. The film feels quite loose and rushed (which I'm guessing it was
given that Zombie only signed on to do it in 2008). One of the major
points everyone criticises the film about is the 'visions'. In this
film, we get introduced (in a rather hamfisted fashion) to the idea that
Myers 'sees' visions of his dead mother and a white horse telling him
what to do. I think I wouldn't have minded if this was shown (or hinted)
at in Zombie's earlier film but it wasn't. Still it's a neat idea - the
kind of thing you can imagine a serial killer admitting to - and
something fresh for the series.

Another sticking point that I can kind of agree with Dr Loomis' sharp
character shift in this film. In the remake he seems like a fairly
decent man but in the sequel he's suddenly turned into a unrepentant
asshole. I get the point that Zombie was trying to make - the
viciousness of Myers' rampage has affected everyone involved in
different ways - but I think he could have shown the shift more
gradually or explained it to the audience a bit better. I feel that
maybe both ideas were things that Zombie probably wanted to include in
the original remake but got turned down by producers.
Despite these two points, I enjoyed most of the rest of the film. The
idea of Laurie being permanently traumatised by her experiences felt in
keeping with the realistic atmosphere of the previous film and Scout
Taylor-Compton does a really good job portraying her depression. I also
liked the idea of Myers becoming a creepy hobo with a long beard and
torn up mask. Again, I think it was good for Zombie to make the film his
own and show what Myers is really like behind the mask (both literally
and figuratively) rather than make him some indestructible killer. Brad Dourif is an excellent addition too. Though he
had a small role in the previous film, he gets a much larger one here
playing Laurie's ersatz father figure Sheriff Brackett. His helplessness
to protect his daughter is truly heartbreaking.

the film winds towards its conclusion I was pleased to see Zombie
give the film a really bold ending. The problem is that it felt far more
contrived compared to the original. It didn't feel like the major
characters had naturally gravitated towards each other throughout the
story. More like they had been artificially put in the same place by the
writer. All in all though, I enjoyed
Rob Zombie's Halloween II
despite its many, many flaws. By making so many bold choices and
radically changing the characters Zombie delivered anything but a safe
sequel. If only more remakes took this approach.