And so to the final entry of live-action anime month – The Guyver or Mutronics as it was titled in some territories. Usually I completely object to retitling movies but I can kind of see why they did it in this case. Firstly, The Guyver doesn't give you much of a clue as to what the movie is about and secondly, it's too easy to confuse with the similarly titled Richard Dean Anderson TV show McGyver. Mutronics, though, does give you more of a clue because really it's about a bunch of guys who can mutate in to enormous monsters.
But there's a bit more to the plot than that.
Here goes! Jack Armstrong plays Sean Barker, an average weedy young guy. When his girlfriend's father, Dr Sewaga, is murdered Sean goes to investigate the crime scene and discovers a mysterious alien device called The Guyver Unit. When activated the unit fuses with his body and allows him to turn into a bio-mechanically suited super hero. However the doctor stole the device from an evil company called the Chronos Corporation and now they've sent several henchmen to retrieve it. But these guys aren't your garden variety henchmen, they're Zoanoids, humans who can mutant into giant monsters. Should Sean run or stay and fight?

One thing that I do object to is the fact that the
DVD copy I got had Mark Hamill's face on the cover alongside a shot of the Guyver mask suggesting he's the hero. He's not. He plays a supporting character called Max Reed, a CIA agent on the trail of the Zoanoids. Another thing to watch out for is that fact that the only available DVD version is the “Director's Cut” which cuts a lot of the fun gore and cussing, which is a bit of shame. Anyway shouldn't it be plural - “Directors's Cut”?

Despite all the cuts, Screaming Mad George's effects work still shines through when it comes on screen. Sure, it looks a little cheap and fake in places but it really adds to the go-for-broke feel of the film. Whereas a lot of films would concentrate on one or two monsters, The Guyver unleashes a whole gang of them and this is clearly where most of the budget went. In fact George re-creates the famous cockroach death from Nightmare on Elm Street 4 here to lesser effect.

The acting is pretty cheesy
but it doesn't really spoil the film. Jack Armstrong is pretty lacklustre as the lead but the supporting cast goes a long way to helping out. Former Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill does a good job as the gruff CIA agent, it's just a shame his subplot melts away, quite literally. Michael Berryman also makes a great villain as Lisker and the Re-Animator himself Jeffrey Combs also pops up towards the end – humorously named Dr East.

Overall, The Guyver isn't too bad an attempt to make a live-action anime. It's maybe skewed a little too much toward a kiddy audience and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a studio mandate. Still it's well worth watching for the costumes and fights just expect it all to be covered in a thick layer of cheese.
So it seems even though the first film flopped it did enough rental business to justify a direct to video sequel. Returning to the directing chair is Steve Wang but this time Screaming Mad George bows out. I can kind of see why, the film is much more skewed towards fights and I guess the budget just couldn't stretch to two directors.
Guyver: Dark Hero picks up the story of Sean Barker some time after the original film. He's ditched his girlfriend and is a full-on vigilante super hero taking down criminals in abandoned warehouses. When a group of archaeologists uncover a hidden cave full of mystical symbols Barker goes to investigate, believing that the markings explain what the Guyver unit really is. When he gets there, he teams up with a female archaeologist. But before long the Chronos Corporation sends out another group of muscle bound mutants to kill Sean and take back the Guyver unit.
“Goodbye goofiness, hell
o violence” – is probably the best way of summarising this sequel. No more cheesy transitions or self-aware humour. The violence is really brutal, monsters get decapitated, hands gets snapped off and the fight scenes go on and on. You've got to hand it to the performers in these bulky suits, the fact that they can still pull off high energy martial arts is amazing.

Instead of Jack Armstrong we get David
Hayter as Sean Barker/The Guyver. Hayter is famously the voice of Solid Snake in the popular Metal Gear series and is also credited as co-writing the script for Zack Snyder's Watchmen. He does a good job as Barker and is far more like your classical action movie hero. Sadly, we don't get much of a decent supporting cast like the original film had. It really needed someone like Michael Berryman to make the bad guys more memorable.
Interestingly, despite the change in tone the film does make a few references to the previous entry. It's surprising because most of the time with these sort of DTV sequels, particularly when they change actors, they tend to treat themselves as stand alone entries. I think someone diving straight into this film will be a bit confused with all the backstory but someone who's watched the anime will easily be able to keep up.

Overall Guyver: Dark Hero is still a pretty good film though. It's hard to pick which is better, the original had a very glossy feel whereas this is very rough around the edges. But then this has more of the crazy violence levels I wanted from the original. One thing that really knocked off points is that most of the action in Dark Hero is shot during daylight which gives the film little style and makes the costumes look even more campy and unthreatening than they should.
In the end, none of the films I've reviewed can
really be called a successful anime adaptation. Too often it seems that American studios have bought popular Japanese properties then neutered their violence levels and failed to give them enough budget to successfully translate the property from animation to live-action. Of all the films, The Guyver movies probably come closest so check these out first.
So that's it for live-action anime month. It's been a lot of fun but I've really only just started scratching the surface with this particularly sub-genre, so maybe I'll do some more in the future.
I love these two movies to death, they are fun, I love their cheap nature...and I thought it's surprising that the first one was more expensive....to me the second one looks better! But I havent seen it in a while.
ReplyDeleteThe Asian girl in the first film, wow was she a bad actress! Her voice was soooo annoying! You could tell that Mark Hamill wasnt taking the film too seriously during some of the scenes, which is kind of funny. His deaths pretty cool.
Yeah, these are definitely movies where you have to be in the right mood to enjoy. I don't think any of the actors took either of these movies seriously. Hamill's death is pretty weird, it comes out of nowhere!
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just because he's Luke Skywalker but I always enjoy Hamill if he's in a flick. It's a shame he rarely gets big, juicy roles.
I remember The Guyver fondly and remember liking it a lot back when it first hit VHS. I'm with you, I have no idea why they put Hamill's face on the cover suggesting "he's" the Guyver. Totally misleading. I remember loving the crazy action and violence and also thought that for a DTV flick (in the states at least), it looked pretty damn good.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I will always remember more than anything and still shocks me to this day is that it had Jimmy "Dyn-o-mite" Walker from Good Times. I was like, "WTF?". And he turns into a monster! That's so messed up!
I haven't seen it in ages, but I remember thinking that Hamill was so serious in this and always so angry. lol. And looked so small in those oversized clothes they had on him!
I need to see this again, you just made that decision for me. Though it's weird that they would call it a "directors cut", when a lot of the violence has been trimmed. Wouldn't it be the other way around?
Really great job on these titles Jack. Keep it up!
Thanks man, glad you enjoyed this month.
ReplyDeleteI think what happened with the director's cut is that the film was PG-13 when it was originally released but they had to get it re-rated for DVD and the ratings people changed their mind and thought there was enough to push it up to a R. So they cut the violence to make it more commercially viable. Given all the stupid "Unrated Version" stuff that gets released nowadays it's a shame this one had to get cut.
I've heard of The Guyver before but never knew it was based on an anime. These two movies sound like fun, I'll have to check them out sometime.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty funny that the cover makes it seem like Mark Hamil' is the Guyver. I noticed that smaller budget movies often has misleading advertising in this manner, like making it seem like an actor has a larger role. Especially for a movie before that actor got famous.
Yeah, they've got some pretty awesome/crazy effects and costumes - worth checking out just for those.
ReplyDeleteI like Hamill, he's quite a cheesy actor but he gives everything he does a lot of energy. He'd probably have made a better Guyver than Armstrong.
I saw the first one again recently, but didn't know it was an edited version of the one I first saw 10 or 15 years ago. And I still need to see the sequel again and review that. I've never really been a big anime fan, but I can imagine that must be a difficult genre to adapt to live action cinema.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you can kind of spot where they've cut the effects if you're looking for it. When some of the creature transform they've obviously cut it before the effects got too gross.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely check out the sequel if you get the chance. It's fun just wayyyy to long.