Wow, I can't remember a film being this divisive amongst audiences and critics in a long, long time! Ordinarily, I never usually cover current movies on this blog. I reserve it more for films from the past that I think people should try and go back and rediscover. However I just saw Man of Steel last week and with everyone on the internet, seemingly, having an opinion about it I thought I might as well throw my two cents in too. First up, I've got to say, if you haven't seen the film already, stop reading and go and see it (assuming you dug the trailers). Don't judge it on what you hear or read about it. Go in with an open mind and decide for yourself. It's a bold and (in a lot of ways) reckless adaptation. Reckless in the sense that it isn't beholden to telling a straight-forward "traditional" version of the classic Superman story like Richard Donner's 1978 film was. You need to decide for yourself if that's a good or bad thing.
The plot begins on the alien planet of Krypton. Eminent scientist Jor-El (Russell Crowe) is trying to convince the population to get off the planet before it implodes. At the same time, military man General Zod (Michael Shannon) is leading a coup to take over control of the planet. Zod is arrested and placed on a prison ship. Jor-El meanwhile, seeing that his people are beyond hope, takes his naturally born son Kal and puts him in a spaceship. In order to preserve the potential to repopulate the race one day, he infuses his son with the "Codex" - an ancient skull which Kryptonians have been using to clone their offspring for the last few centuries. We pick up the story many years later, on planet Earth where Kal's spaceship landed. Kal has been raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent (Kevin Costner and Diane Lane) as an ordinary human being called Clark (Henry Cavill). Through flashbacks we learn that Earth's sun rays have given Clark extraordinary powers but Jonathan is convinced that Clark must never use them for fear that other people would reject him. However, when Zod turns up in Earth's orbit, having taken control of the prison ship, Clark must step up and defend the planet he now calls home.

I really liked the underlying themes of Man of Steel. It's basically about Clark trying to find his place in the world. There were definite echoes of Bruce Wayne's journey in producer Chris Nolan's Batman Begins (a film which, ironically, I wasn't a huge fan of, but let's not get into that now). And this journey is defined by Clark's two very different fathers. His Earth father Jonathan, believes Clark should hide his powers while his Krypton father Jor-El believes he should embrace them and help the world. A lot of comic books fans are upset that Man of Steel makes Jonathan Kent seem so cold, but personally I loved the reinvention of this character. On the contrary, rather than being cold I could totally believe and understand his stance in wanting to protect his adopted son from the rest of the world (hell, I would probably do the same). I also really enjoyed the new version of Jor-El too played by Russell Crowe. He is a much more active character in Man of Steel than previous interpretations and I was pleased when he unexpectedly turned up halfway through the film as an interactive hologram for a few more scenes. I can't think of one cast member in the whole film who disappointed me. Henry Cavill was really good as Clark/Superman. My only disappointment was that I didn't feel many sparks between him and Amy Adams but hopefully that will be rectified in the sequel.

The third act is basically an extended alien invasion story with Zod trying to terraform the Earth to become a New Krypton. A lot of critics said the fight scenes go on way too long but I thought they were okay. Maybe that could have been tighter but I'm pleased to see some epic and elaborate Superman fight scenes in a film finally. A lot of Metropolis does get destroyed which I think upset a lot of Superman fans who thought he should have been saving more people. Again, I thought this was an interesting new spin. Let's face it, if Superman was real and fought a super-villain in city chances are a lot of buildings would get destroyed. Also, he's not really "Superman" yet. This is the first time he's put on the suit and he only starts flying a few hours (or is it days?) before Zod shows up. He doesn't know what he's doing. (Don't believe me, scroll back to the top of the page and look at Henry Cavill's face on the poster. His whole expression is "what the hell am I doing?") And that's exciting. A massively powerful person is trying to save us but he doesn't know what to do. That's great heart pounding drama. So yeah, basically a huge chunk of Metropolis becomes collateral damage. Some reviewers have tried to defend the decision by saying that "oh, most of Metropolis was probably evacuated." Sorry, I don't think it was. I didn't catch any dialogue along those lines in the film. No, I think lots of people probably died. This isn't a bad thing though. In fact, I think it's a really good set-up for why Superman makes Metropolis his home in the sequels - to make up for how much he (although technically it was mostly Zod) destroyed it. And I can see why Lex Luthor is going to hate his guts. In fact, we might even agree with Lex's viewpoint. That's going to be cool, having a villain who you have empathy with.

I sound a bit like I loved every minute and every aspect of this film but that's not quite the case. I did find David Goyer's script occasionally a little clunky and awkward. Though I liked her performance on the whole I really hated Diane Lane's "Imagine my voice is an island" speech that she gives to a scared 8 year old Clark who's just discovered his X-ray vision. It sounded so stage-y and forced. There were a few other moments like this but it didn't spoil the overall film. I also found the story a little disjointed with it jumping back and forth in time. Obviously it was needed to get all this story in their but it felt sometimes like I was watching a very long elaborate trailer rather than a movie. I think the next film will be much smoother because it will likely just tell a start to finish story rather than jump all over the place again. My last gripe, isn't really a gripe, it's just more an observation. This really isn't a film for kids. Young kids anyway. I don't know how well they'll absorb the story and visuals. Nolan and Snyder pitch this much more at an adult audience. I was cool with this but I think if you have a kid under 9 years old it's better to go back and watch the Reeve film and save this until they are a little older.