The Punisher is kinda of a weird comic book character for filmmakers to choose to adapt. In the Marvel comic books that he stars in he's a very unique character. He's got no superpowers, he doesn't wear a cape and he doesn't have any code of conduct. When he catches criminals he doesn't tie them up for the police like Spider-man would, he shoots them in the face and dumps their bodies in the river. Transplanting the Punisher to film he loses all his unique aspects and becomes just another vigilante in the mold of Charles Bronson or Robert McGinty. Anyway, that hasn't stopped three attempts to bring the character to the big screen. Let's look at the first.
The Punisher

The film was directed by Mark Goldblatt, the Oscar winning editor of such films as The Terminator and Commando, who also had just finished directing Dead Heat the previous year (see review). Like Dead Heat the film is quite low budget and cheap looking which might put off some viewers. Most scenes are very murkily lit and Goldblatt does little to hide the fact that he's shooting in Sydney, Australia, rather that New York City. However the lack of polish is deceptive because underneath it all there's some damn fine action sequences and a spectacular body count. I thought the ending was particularly well done with Castle and Franco slaughtering their way through dozens of goons at the Yakuza headquarters. There's a great bit where the lights go out and the whole set is bathed in a stark red light for several minutes as Castle continues fighting which was a nice flash of style in an otherwise ugly looking film.

Louis Gossett jr does an great job as Castle's former cop partner, Jake. He mostly just shouts at Castle but their exchanges add to nice dark humour to the film. The funniest exchange has to be this one:-
Jake: You're sick. You know that, don't you?
Castle: I'm not sick!
Jake: Then what the fuck do you call 125 murders in 5 years?
Castle: Work in progress.
Castle: I'm not sick!
Jake: Then what the fuck do you call 125 murders in 5 years?
Castle: Work in progress.

All in all, The Punisher is an okay film. It understands the bare bones of the character and towards the end has some interesting (if ham-fisted) commentary about the cycle of violence. It could have done with a bit of bigger budget to give its action sequences some truly stand out moments and maybe cast a few better actors to surround Dolph. Sadly, The Punisher didn't get a theatrical release in the US, due to the collapse of the film's producing studio New World Pictures, and sat on the shelf until 1991 when it was sent direct to video. The reception it got on release was very poor and it's sort of been forgotten now.

The next Punisher movie was produced following the success of other Marvel movies such as Bryan Singer's X-Men and Sam Raimi's Spider-man. Studios all over Hollywood were scrabbling to buy up comic book properties and the minor league Artisan bought up the rights to the Punisher hoping to get some of that comic book movie "mo-nay". The film was the directorial debut of Jonathan Hensleigh, the screenwriter behind such hit movies as Die Hard with a Vengeance and Armageddon, and the producer was his wife Gale Ann Hurd, who had also produced The Terminator and Aliens. With those credentials the project seemed like it couldn't possibly be anything less than an action classic.

Once again the film was given a (comparatively) low budget which forced Hensleigh to cut out and rewrite a lot of sequences, the most significant of which was a 15 minute prologue scene with Castle as a soldier in Kuwait (you can see an animated version of it on the Special Edition DVD). Thomas Jane was an odd choice to play Frank Castle. He's not muscle bound or imposing really and I think that was intentional. I think Hensleigh had higher aspirations for the film than being just another dumb action movie. He wanted to take the comic characters and present them more as human beings than caricatures. At the time he cited his inspiration as a being 70s flicks like Dirty Harry and The Getaway. I can't say I really felt those influences in the film but it did have a more realistic tone than the Lundgren version. Of course realism doesn't necessarily make a film better.

Travolta was very disappointing as Howard Saint. He didn't have a lot to do and looked bored most of time. I know from watching Face/Off and, to a lesser extent, Broken Arrow that he can do highly memorable villains when he wants to so I don't know what happened here. I think part of the problem was that there were too many other characters eating up his screentime. There was his wife (who was the one who specified that Castle's entire family had to die), a right hand man called Glass, two twin sons. Howard Saint was too hands-off to feel like an active threat to Castle. The two of them really needed more scenes to face off against one another.

Overall, I found The Punisher to be a little underwhelming. Sure, it was much more ambitious than the Lundgren film but I also felt it missed its target. I like that it had high aspirations for the character but I don't think it succeeded at all. The biggest turn off for me was that it was sluggishly paced. The amount of plot it had didn't justify it's two hour running time at all.

The Thomas Jane Punisher film didn't do fantastic business. It made about £55 million at the box office on a budget of $33 million and got a mixed set of reviews from critics. I think more than anything the reason a sequel was made is that the studio wanted to make sure they had wrung all the potential money from the license before they had to give it back to Marvel. The film was directed by Lexi Alexander who had only one previous film to her credit - the cheesy but ultra violent Green Street. Prior to her hiring the producer, Gale Ann Hurd again, was trying to court John Dahl to direct but he ultimately turned her down as did the original star Thomas Jane who wasn't happy with the script.

This film is one of the most demented action films I've ever seen. It's unbelievably gory. People get their head cut off, chair legs go through people's faces, one guy gets blown up by a rocket launcher and the main villain (spoiler) gets impaled and set on fire. It's like watching one of the Saw movies (which I guess shouldn't be surprising considering Lionsgate produced that series as well as this). The filmmakers this time drew heavily on Garth Ennis ultra violent PunisherMAX comic series and I thought they did a decent job translating some of the twisted humour from the series as well as capturing the feel of Tim Bradstreet's vivid artwork. Despite it's dark subject matter the lighting is bright and very vibrant but unlike the previous film it's almost entirely set at night.

The rest of the cast is mostly terrible. Dominic West, who was excellent in HBO's The Wire, does an awful job as Russoti/Jigsaw. He puts on this atrociously bad 'Nu Yoik' voice and goes to Gary Busey levels of overacting. According to Lexi Alexander, Freddie Prinze jr was really desperate for the part and gave a great audition but the studio insisted she go with West. I think this is probably the only time I've ever wished Freddie Prinze jr was in a movie. Doug Richardson does a similarly OTT performance as Loonie Bin Jim at one point singing "Yummy, yummy, yummy in my tummy, tummy, tummy" before stabbing a hospital attendant in the stomach with a blunt spoon!

Overall, I found Punisher: War Zone to be an empty spectacle. Sure, it was fun they ramped up the violence to crazy levels but the script really needed a lot more work. I can't quite believe that this was written by the same people who wrote Iron Man. While the 15 year old me thinks this is the greatest film ever, the 30 year old me thinks I should be watching something more constructive. Anyway, the film lost a fair chunk of money at the box office and Lexi Alexander hasn't directed a film since. It seemed like this was the end of the road for Punisher movies. Or was it?

Dirty Laundry was a very interesting and surprising addition to the Punisher series. It was first shown at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con without any preceding publicity. The 10 minute short sees Thomas Jane reprise the role of Frank Castle. We see him heading into a laundrette to do his washing. As he sits waiting he sees a group of gang members trying to rape a woman on the street. He heads over to a liquor store, seemingly not bothered by the activity, and buys a bottle of whiskey. Coming out the store he heads over to the gang members and clubs them with the bottle before drenching the leader in the alcohol and tossing a lighter to the woman.
This was a neat little movie and I respect Jane for making it. He had no obligation to do it and made no money from it. Amateur filmmakers have been making fan films for years but this is one of the few that actually stars Hollywood actors (Ron Perlman has a bit part too). Jane actually seemed to fit the character of Castle a little better now that he was older. He had a fuller figure and a craggier face. I like the fact that Castle doesn't use a gun and improvises with the bottle too. That was something I don't think I've seen before in an action film. If I had any complaints, I did feel the film went on a little too long and could have been much tighter but it's only a short so I'll let it off.
I think the perfect Punisher movie is out there somewhere but it's going to take a long while before another studio takes the risk of making one again. I think all four adaptations have good elements and bad. The perfect Punisher would pull in aspects from all of them. I think the problem is that Frank Castle is a niche character and filmmakers shouldn't try and sand down his edges to make him presentable for a mainstream audience. He's not a mainstream character. The other mistake filmmakers keep repeating is that they think because the Punisher is a simple character that he can only star in simple stories. Yes, he's a simple character but that's only more reason to make sure you give him a super complicated story to star in. When filmmakers realise that, we might get a decent Punisher flick.