80s were a great period for animation. I think basically what happened
was that Disney really reduced the amount of animated films it pumped
out during the late 70s and early 80s while it tried to diversify
into more live action work. As a result there was a gap in market for
other animation
studios to come in and offer a bit of an alternative to Disney's sugary
sweet musical films. Much of the
groundwork for this shift had been started a decade earlier with Ralph
Bakshi, an animator whose work on films like
Fritz the Cat and
had challenged the perception that cartoons should only be made for
kids. The decade also saw a rebirth in the fantasy genre with the
success of Conan, not only in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movies but also
the very success Marvel comic book adaptations.
Fire and Ice should have been a resounding success given the time it was released but sadly it failed to hit it off with audiences.
The plot to
Fire and Ice
is pretty simple. The evil Queen Juliana and her
son Nekron are invading
innocent towns and villages up and down the land and have their sights
set on taking over the last remaining outpost, the kingdom of Firekeep.
The reason they are so unstoppable is that Nekron is a sorcerer and can
create enormous ice glaciers with his mind that easily crush anything in
their way. Queen Juliana sends a small group of her soldiers to
Firekeep to request the king's surrender but it turns out this is just a
rouse and the soldiers end up kidnapping the king's daughter Teegra.
The resourceful princess however manages to escape and teams up with
Larn, a survivor of one of villages Nekron destroyed. They race through
the jungle but Teegra ends up getting recaptured. Larn then teams up
with the mysterious warrior Darkwolf and the two of them take the battle
to Nekron's ice palace.
Honestly, I think it's pretty clear why Fire and Ice
flopped. It's not a bad film, far from it. I really, really
enjoyed both the story and animation. The major problem is that though
the fantastical story is simple and child appropriate, the characters
are drawn aren't. Princess Teegra spends almost the entire film clothed
throughout in nothing more than the smallest of small bikinis that
wouldn't look out of place on a Playboy cover - and the film still
somehow managed to get a PG rating! There were a lot of kids films in
the 80s that pushed the envelope in terms of content but while a bit of
extra violence or swearing seemed to go over okay with audiences,
semi-nudity clearly didn't. Even I've got to admit I probably wouldn't
want to let anyone under 14 watch this.
The thing is the slightly
lurid clothing choices of the characters wasn't just some crazy
decision by the director, Ralph Bakshi. The artwork is all based on
designs by Frank Frazetta, the artist who drew virtually all the classic
covers for Robert E Howard's Conan books. As such it's
wonderful to see Frazetta's illustrations finally come to life. There's
maybe a little less detail to the characters than he would usually use
in his paintings but the style is still very much recognisably his work.
The artwork gives the film a slightly hazy, dream-like atmosphere. The
backgrounds in particular are painted in very soft focus while all the
characters in the foreground are stark and bold.
The film also
employed the technique of rotoscoping, whereby by the director filmed
live actors quickly doing all the scenes and then essentially had the
animators trace over the top of them. I've always been a little confused
as to why this process is always frowned upon by critics. Sure, it's
cheating a little but given that the characters are all meant to be
human (or human-like) I was fine with it. It meant that the film
captured a lot of little human details - not unlike Andy Serkis's motion
capture work as Gollum in Lord of the Rings - that might otherwise have been missed.
could maybe call the story a little underwhelming - it's more or less was
one long chase sequence - but I think the writers understood archetypal
structure of fantasy literature very well. Roy Thomas, one half of the
writing duo, had spent most of the 70s and 80s writing Marvel's comic
book adaptation of Conan and his love of Howard's stories is very
evident. I particularly enjoyed the character of Dark Wolf, who is
essentially the Han Solo of the movie. He first pops up more than
halfway through the film, never takes off his bear skin helmet and only
speaks a handful of words. He was a brilliant supporting character, full
of mystery, and made the perfect counterpoint to the more bland leading
hero, Larn.
All in all, Fire and Ice
is a pretty good little movie. Times have changed now and I think the
introduction of anime to the West have given audiences a broader
perspective on violent and subversive animation. I still don't think the
film would do well at the cinema but as a piece of 80s nostaglia for
30-somethings it's a heck of a lot of fun. Like watching a violent, sexy
riff on He-man. Word is that Robert Rodriguez is looking to actually
remake Fire and Ice at some point in the future and it will be interesting to see what kind of film he makes. Given his work on Sin City I think (and hope) it will be an attempt to adapt Franzetta's work as live action.
For another review of Fire and Ice check out The Film Connoisseur's perspective at:-