Rounding off this month's series of reviews is Mitch's recommendation - Of Unknown Origin
which he sold to me as "Robocop fights a killer rat". Well how the hell
was I going to turn down a pitch like that? For one I'm a huge fan of
Peter Weller, a hugely underrated actor whose distinctive voice and
mannerisms make him a great, if unconventional, leading man. And
secondly, the film was directed by George P Cosmatos, who went on to
direct Rambo: First Blood Part II and Cobra
- two of the most macho, over-the-top action films of the 80s. What
would happen when these two got together? Well, to be honest I'd already
gotten a little preview when I caught their
1989 team-up Leviathan - a okay-ish Alien rip-off - but I was hoping this earlier collaboration would be better.
Of Unknown Origin
sees Weller play Bart Hughes, a young businessman living an idyllic
existence. He's just finished renovating his expensive New York
Brownstone house, he's married to a beautiful wife (Shannon Tweed in one
of her first performances*), and he's well on his way to making a
fortune in his Wall Street job. When his wife plans a holiday he decides
to stay at home and catch up on his work instead so that he can get a
promotion. And it's when he's home alone that he starts to notice
evidence that his house might have... a rat. So he starts setting traps
and poison, but none of it works. You see this rat is smart and it's
going to push Bart to the bring of sanity before he can find a way to
kill it.
enjoyed about this film is that it combines two of my favourite movie
subgenres:- "yuppies in peril" and "man vs animal". The film was
obviously trying to make some pointed jabs at Weller's noveau riche
businessman being forced to strip himself back to being a more primitive
man in order to take down the rat. The lesson here is that all the
money in the world won't stop a rat destroying your house if it wants
to. The film also contains one of my favourite horror movie cliches
where the lead character goes to a library and looks up exactly what
they are going up against. You don't get that much nowadays, kids are
more likely to look up stuff on wikipedia or google which is far less
The film is
basically a one man show by Peter Weller.
There's a couple of background characters and subplots here and there
but the central focus is on Bart. I've got to say with a lesser actor
this wouldn't have been as good. Weller has a lot of dialogue
where he's talking to himself or taunting the rat. Usually this stuff
comes off as really fake and amateurish (see: Diary of the Dead)
but Weller has a knack for making it sound realistic. The film is definitely
self aware of how ridiculous it all is though. Again, if they'd taken it too
seriously it wouldn't have worked so well. In someways I would have
liked a few more scenes away from the house but I can appreciate how
keeping the film mostly set there built up far more suspense.
A lot
has been said about director George P Cosmatos since he died. Both
Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone have made suggestions that he didn't
direct much of Tombstone or Cobra. Regardless of these rumours his direction on Of Unknown Origin
was first rate. Given that the film is mostly set in one location, with
actor it never feels slow or boring. He does a lot of rat POV shots,
scurrying through the walls and makes great use of rat close-ups that
make you squirm in your seat. And they will make you squirm, no matter
how hard you think you are. If Jaws put people off swimming in the sea and Psycho put people off taking showers, this one will stop you from sitting down on the toilet for weeks.
also manages to make the rat seem genuinely very scary, which is quite
hard when you think about. A lot of people might be reading this review
and think "Oh it's only one rat, why all the fuss?" Yeah, it is one rat
but it's the size of small dog! The bits where it manages to attack
Weller are genuinely quite ferocious and terrifying. Sure, this is an
80s horror film but for once it's not about a body count. Cosmatos just wants
to scare you stupid and that's got to be commended.
I'm trying to think of any faults I found with this but I just don't
think there were any. Okay, maybe I found the size of the rat hard to
gauge. In some shots it looked huge, in others it looked much smaller.
Let's face it you either want to see a killer rat movie or you don't. If
you do, watch this, if you don't, then don't.
To read Mitch's original review click here http://thevideovacuum.livejournal.com/685018.html
Of Unknown Origin


The film is

A lot


To read Mitch's original review click here http://thevideovacuum.livejournal.com/685018.html
* For those with an interest, yes Tweed does show her usual... um assets as per all her films.