I remember being quite shocked when Sam Raimi got given the director's chair for Spider-man. At the time, I knew him only as the director of ridiculous over-the-top Evil Dead horror comedies. However viewing Darkman pulls everything into a bit of sharper perspective. Though not based on a comic book, Darkman's look and story pulls off a brilliant comic book atmostphere. Reportedly Sam Raimi wanted to direct a film version of pulp novel hero The Shadow but Universal couldn't get the rights, so instead he set about making his own original hero Darkman (who dresses pretty much exactly like The Shadow).
The plot sees Peyton Westlake a scientist who is

Liam Neeson is an interesting choice for the lead. He certainly has the cardigan wearing scientist look down but sort of seems out of his depth as a hero. As with all Sam Raimi films over-acting is the order of the day, but here it makes a lot of sense. Peyton's disfigured face and body hide an equally disfigured mind and psyche. They say a hero is only as good as his villain and Larry Drake as Durant is a very memorable one. Imposing, sadistic and with a penchant for cutting off people's fingers, Durant makes for some great scenes not least when Peyton's puts on Durant's face and goes running around town causing mayhem and making Durant look like a complete ass.
As mentioned Raimi directs the film with such a

Overall, this is a great film and a nice transition film for Raimi from his early splatter films to his more dramatic fare.

Darkman II is one of those films that requires a huge leap of faith. Remember that huge helicopter crash involving Robert G Durant, well he actually survived, albeit in a coma and with a small scar down his forehead. Okay, yeah it's a hokey retcon but being this film series is pretty much a comic book come to life we can't judge it too harshly.
Neeson goes and Arnold Vosloo (best known as titular character in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns) comes in as Peyton Westlake – now with a thick South African accent. It's a bit of jarring recast if you watch this and the original back to back but judged on his own merits it's perfectly fine. The script drops much of dark twisted mentally unstable characteristics of Neeson's version in favour of making him just an out and out hero.
So the plot revolves around Durant, who wakes out

This film's a lot of fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously, it doesn't tone down the violence, and it doesn't look too cheap. In fact, the director Bradford May, who also acted as cinematographer, does a great job, giving the film a great glossy, colourful look. As I said Vosloo does well as Peyton, he doesn't look a thing like Neeson but he's got some offbeat charisma. I think he must have got picked after he appeared in the Raimi-produced Hard Target, that came out the previous year. Another Raimi related actor/actress is Renee O'Connor (Gabrielle from TV's Xena) who plays a scientist's sister who works in a strip joint. Settle down though there's no nudity.

Then again in Durant's favour no one can scream “Westlaaakeeee!!” as good as Larry Drake. He gets some great twisted scenes such as sending people off rooftops tied to golf carts. I'm going to cover the Darkman comics Marvel published in the early 90s later but the idea of reviving Durant was also played out there – in a much much different way. It's interesting to compare the two.
Darkman II plays itself much more as a straight

All in all, Darkman II is a pretty good follow-up to the original but probably the least of the trilogy – only because it reused the same villain and has a lot of the same themes as the original film. It might be quite a good experiment if you're new to the series to watch this last.
NEXT TIME: Darkman III, the TV pilot, comics and more!